Oversight of the actuarial profession
The Actuarial Profession Oversight Board (APOB) has a broad, public-oriented perspective of the complex issues facing today’s actuaries. We provide independent and objective public oversight to ensure the needs of the Canadian public are prioritized over the needs of the profession and its members.
Oversight responsibilities
APOB works with entities of the Canadian Institute of Actuaries to oversee the actuarial profession in Canada.

Building relationships
APOB builds relationships inside and outside the actuarial profession to adapt and advocate according to the needs of Canadians.

Learn about current APOB members and their activities.
Terms of reference
Read more about APOB’s authority and responsibilities.
Contact us
How to reach APOB with your questions or concerns
Check out the latest publications and materials from APOB and its boards.
Visit our FAQ page for answers to the most common questions about APOB.